Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance is for those who find themselves in some form of confusion or process they don’t quite understand.

Perhaps you’ve participated in a ceremony or performed certain exercises and experienced a physical or emotional reaction you weren’t prepared for, leaving you wondering what’s happening. 
Maybe you’ve embarked on a spiritual journey but feel mostly lost and discouraged. Or perhaps you’re feeling great and want some guidance to continue staying in that space. 

Spirituality has become both a trend and a commercial market, leading to a flood of interpretations and perceptions about how it “should feel” and how or where one is expected to experience it. 

In today’s society, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea that someone else must “awaken your Kundalini” or that you need to chase experiences of higher energies to be considered spiritual. What is often forgotten is that true spiritual development starts with being grounded in oneself—anchored in your own reality. 

There is a wide range of spiritual ceremonies and gatherings—some with genuine and authentic intentions, but unfortunately, many driven by commercial purposes and marketing that isn’t always honest. There are also many with good intentions who wish to share their experiences but, in doing so, offer services they don’t fully understand. All forms of energy, in both our physical and subtle bodies, have a direction, and for it to flow properly, a stable foundation is needed. 

Without a stable foundation, work with higher energies can create imbalances and lead to unwanted effects, both physically and mentally, which, in the worst case, can impact your well-being.

If you feel that this description resonates with you, you can book an appointment by sending an email to marie@yurvedaflow.se.  marie@ayurvedaflow.se

We’ll meet online via Zoom or Whatsup.

Investeringen är 600 kronor

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